So recently, my bestest friend in the whole entire universe-RatFriend-has been going through a hard time. As her nickname suggests, she loves her pet rats with all her heart. Last night, though, rats was shortened to rat. This Friday, we're going out for dinner with their family-Her little brother Red is conveniently a carbon copy of my brother-and I decided to make something to cheer her up.
One of the countless things we have in common is a love of Star Wars. Now, recently, I have been on a Rainbow Loom kick. I dream of new patterns at night, and it's pretty much all I breathe. Every waking moment-RAINBOW LOOM, RAINBOW LOOM, RAINBOW LOOM. Sooo.......I made friendship bracelets.
I just wanted to share this. Have a wonderfully geeky day :)
Tuesday, 18 March 2014
Here's A Thought Snack
Hey! Recently, I have been on a "random fact" kick. I look at random fact pictures on the internet.......annoy my family and friends with random tidbits of knowledge.......and, recently, read random fact books. Here's the book I am currently in the middle of:
It's technically my brother's, but he's usually watching pointless YouTube videos. So he doesn't mind me reading it.
Anyways, what I wanted to do here was give you some RAAAAAAAAAAANDOM KNOWLEDGE! How I selected these facts was simple-I flipped to a random page, and swirled my finger in circles. Then, with my eyes closed, I put my finger down on the page-and the fact I landed on got put here.
Here we go!
*Humans have only explored 5 percent of the ocean.
*Cockroaches can live for a few weeks without their heads.
*The longest pizza ever made stretched 3,745 feet and 0.85 inches and was created in Spain on May 31st, 2011.
*Papero the childcare robot is a mechanical babysitter that uses a 3,000-word vocabulary, 2 "eyes", and 8 "ears" to interact with kids.
*A giraffe's heart is 2 feet long!
*When the ancient Greeks were at war with each other, they called a truce just to hold the Olympics.
*The horse's brain is about the size of a baked potato.
*The word "snickersnee" means large knife.
*Scrooge McDuck was named the richest fictional character in the world by Forbes magazine in 2011. He is worth (a fictional) 44.1 billion dollars.
*The chupacabra has been described as kangaroo-like, but also part gargoyle, with sharp claws and red eyes. In the 1990s in Puerto Rico, some believed that it sucked out farm animal's blood.
*The Rongorongo Hieroglyphs were found on pieces of wood on Easter Island, but no one has been able to read them. Every other line is inscribed upside down.
*The snout of a star-nosed mole is six times more sensitive then the human hand.
If your thoughts are still hungry, I can do another post like this!
It's technically my brother's, but he's usually watching pointless YouTube videos. So he doesn't mind me reading it.
Anyways, what I wanted to do here was give you some RAAAAAAAAAAANDOM KNOWLEDGE! How I selected these facts was simple-I flipped to a random page, and swirled my finger in circles. Then, with my eyes closed, I put my finger down on the page-and the fact I landed on got put here.
Here we go!
*Humans have only explored 5 percent of the ocean.
*Cockroaches can live for a few weeks without their heads.
*The longest pizza ever made stretched 3,745 feet and 0.85 inches and was created in Spain on May 31st, 2011.
*Papero the childcare robot is a mechanical babysitter that uses a 3,000-word vocabulary, 2 "eyes", and 8 "ears" to interact with kids.
*A giraffe's heart is 2 feet long!
*When the ancient Greeks were at war with each other, they called a truce just to hold the Olympics.
*The horse's brain is about the size of a baked potato.
*The word "snickersnee" means large knife.
*Scrooge McDuck was named the richest fictional character in the world by Forbes magazine in 2011. He is worth (a fictional) 44.1 billion dollars.
*The chupacabra has been described as kangaroo-like, but also part gargoyle, with sharp claws and red eyes. In the 1990s in Puerto Rico, some believed that it sucked out farm animal's blood.
*The Rongorongo Hieroglyphs were found on pieces of wood on Easter Island, but no one has been able to read them. Every other line is inscribed upside down.
*The snout of a star-nosed mole is six times more sensitive then the human hand.
If your thoughts are still hungry, I can do another post like this!
Friday, 14 March 2014
Wanna Find Out Some More About Me?
On a website I'm a part of, we have this thing called a journal. It's like a mini blog-with less customization. Sometimes, people will go online and find writing prompts. I found one-"120 questions to get you thinking about yourself", and I put it on my journal. Then, I remembered I have this blog, too. are 120 things about me!
1: Who did you last say "I love you" to?
I say "I love you" a gazillion times a day, I really don't remember.
2: Do you regret it?
2: Do you regret it?
Regret what? Saying I love you? So confused *.*
3: Have you ever been depressed?
3: Have you ever been depressed?
Sort of.
4: Do you like dinosaurs?
I am indifferent. I do enjoy prehistoric sea animals though.
5: Are you insecure?
5: Are you insecure?
Depends-Socially insecure, no. I have friends. Insecure about my looks/if people like me? Yeah.
6: What is your relationship status?
6: What is your relationship status?
I really don't know at the tell the truth.
7: How do you want to die?
7: How do you want to die?
Peacefully in my sleep.
8: What did you last eat?
8: What did you last eat?
9: Have you played any sports?
9: Have you played any sports?
I hate moving.
10: Do you have an attitude?
10: Do you have an attitude?
Awwwwww yeah!
11: Do you like someone?
11: Do you like someone?
Yes *blush*
12: What is your real name?
12: What is your real name?
Gwendolyn! Gwen is just a nickname.
13: Have you ever read a book?
13: Have you ever read a book?
"She is always sitting with her little nose burrowing into books. She doesn't read them, Miss Minchin; she gobbles them up as if she were a little wolf instead of a little girl. She is always starving for new books to gobble, and she wants grown-up books -- great, big, fat ones -- French and German as well as English -- history and biography and poets, and all sorts of things." A Little Princess-Frances Hodgson Burnett
14: Do you hate anyone at the moment?
14: Do you hate anyone at the moment?
I will always have a burning hate for *censored*
15: Do you miss someone?
15: Do you miss someone?
Yeah, I have a couple friends from summer camp I haven't seen in forever 
16: Twirl or cut your spaghetti?
16: Twirl or cut your spaghetti?
17: Do you tan a lot over the summer?
17: Do you tan a lot over the summer?
Every time I come home from camp, I have just one pale mark-and it's shaped like a bathing suit. XD
18: Have any pets?
18: Have any pets?
Yep! We have 3 cats, named Portia, Zach and Mystique; and I have a rat named Pudge.
19: How exactly are you feeling?
19: How exactly are you feeling?
Tired; but otherwise good. And excited for Girl Guide camp, which I am leaving for today!
20: Ever eaten food in a car while someone or yourself is driving?
20: Ever eaten food in a car while someone or yourself is driving?
Yeah, once we drove all the way to Orlando so I ate snacks in the car. Also sometimes when I go the the hospital for my annual (I'm diabetic) we eat in the car.
21: Good driver?
21: Good driver?
Haven't started driving yet....
22: Are you scared of spiders?
22: Are you scared of spiders?
23: Would you go back in time if you were given the chance?
23: Would you go back in time if you were given the chance?
Yeah, and fix something stupid I said to my brother.
24: Do you regret anything from your past?
24: Do you regret anything from your past?
Yeah.....not eating enough at hungry. XD
25: What are your plans for this weekend?
25: What are your plans for this weekend?
Nothing except chilling and messing around on the internet.
26: Do you want to have kid?
26: Do you want to have kid?
When I grow up, yeah. I'd like to adopt, but we'll see when the time comes. I'm quite a long way away from that.
27: Do you type fast?
27: Do you type fast?
Yeah, albeit not "right". I only use my pointer finger (and thumb for shift), but I have been described as "Computer Flash" and "Speed-Demon".
28: Do you have piercings?
28: Do you have piercings?
Yeah, my ears.
29: Want any more?
29: Want any more?
30: Can you spell well?
30: Can you spell well?
So I am told, yeah.
31: Do you miss anyone from your past?
Well, there was this friend I had from Preschool up until I was about 7......her nickname is Ebony. I miss her a lot.
32: What are you craving right now?
32: What are you craving right now?
Baked potatoes, and chocolate. (Not together.)
33: Ever been to a bonfire party?
33: Ever been to a bonfire party?
34: Ever had a silly band?
34: Ever had a silly band?
I had about a gazillion that I got from my friends, they itch my wrists though. I never wear them.
35: Have you ever been on a horse?
35: Have you ever been on a horse?
If you count going around a pole on a horse once at a fair, then yeah. If you don't, no.
36: Have you ever broken someones heart?
36: Have you ever broken someones heart?
.............I really don't know..............
37: Have you ever been cheated on?
37: Have you ever been cheated on?
Uh, no.
38: Are you thinking of someone right now?
39: Would you live with someone without marrying them?
39: Would you live with someone without marrying them?
40: What should you be doing?
40: What should you be doing?
Catching up on sleep.
41: Whats irritating you right now?
41: Whats irritating you right now?
My brother.
42: Have you ever liked someone so much that it hurts?
42: Have you ever liked someone so much that it hurts?
Sorta, yeah.
43: Does somebody love you?
43: Does somebody love you?
Aside from my family, no. (That I know of.)
44: What is your favorite color?
45: Have you ever changed clothes in a car?
45: Have you ever changed clothes in a car?
Yeah, on the way home from a concert I changed into my pajamas.
46: Milk chocolate or white chocolate?
46: Milk chocolate or white chocolate?
Neither! DAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAARK! (Like, so dark it's bitter.)
47: Do you have trust issues?
47: Do you have trust issues?
Yeah, from those chocolate chip turned oatmeal raisin cookies. No, just kidding.....I don't.
48: Best friends name?
48: Best friends name?
I won't name names, so I'll make up nicknames. ViralSun.
49: 2nd best friends name?
49: 2nd best friends name?
50: 3rd best friends name?
50: 3rd best friends name?
51: Who was the last person you cried in front of?
51: Who was the last person you cried in front of?
Family, my bro. Friends, at the summer camp singalong we sing Leaving On A Jetplane, and for some reason, it makes me bawl. EVERY TIME.
52: Do you give out second chances too easily?
52: Do you give out second chances too easily?
53: Is it easier to forgive or forget?
53: Is it easier to forgive or forget?
Forget. All the way. I still haven't forgiven some people (who shall remain nameless).
54: What was your childhood nickname?
54: What was your childhood nickname?
55: Favorite food?
55: Favorite food?
60: Do you believe everything happens for a reason?
60: Do you believe everything happens for a reason?
Sorta, I really don't know.
61: Did you have dream last night?
61: Did you have dream last night?
yes :( It was about the grim reaper posessing my Minecraft world and trying to kill me. It sound stupid but it freaked me out.
62: Have you ever been out of state?
62: Have you ever been out of state?
*Province, and yeah I have.
63: Do you play the wii?
63: Do you play the wii?
Yup. It's the only game system we have, aside from an Atari Flashback.
64: Are you listening to music right now?
64: Are you listening to music right now?
Yep! Scar Tissue by the Red Hot Chili Peppers, on repeat. My dad listens to Chom so I pick up a lot of my favorite songs from there.
65: Do you like chinese food?
65: Do you like chinese food?
YEAH!!!!!!! Especially crispy spinach!
66: Who are you texting right now?
66: Who are you texting right now?
Don't have a phone 
67: Are you afraid of the dark?
67: Are you afraid of the dark?
I'm afraid not of the dark, but that I can't see in the dark. You never know what might be right next to you....
68: Is cheating ever okay?
68: Is cheating ever okay?
NO NOT EVER! Unless the two have discussed it and are okay with dating other people at the same time (whut). It happens and is a real thing.
69: Are you mean?
69: Are you mean?
Depends who/why.
70: Can you keep white shoes clean?
70: Can you keep white shoes clean?
Are you kidding me? Never in a million years.
71: What year has been your best?
71: What year has been your best?
2013. Camp was great that year.
72: Do you believe in true love?
72: Do you believe in true love?
Of course!
73: Favorite weather?
73: Favorite weather?
Thunderstorm+a cozy armchair+a book=my favorite thing.
74: Do you like the snow?
74: Do you like the snow?
75: Does it snow a lot where you live?
75: Does it snow a lot where you live?
I live in Canada. What do YOU think?
76: Do you like the outside?
76: Do you like the outside?
I am indifferent.
77: Do you wanna get married?
77: Do you wanna get married?
78: Is it cute when a boy/girl calls you baby?
78: Is it cute when a boy/girl calls you baby?
Never had it happen, so I'm not sure.
79: Are you hungry?
79: Are you hungry?
No, I just had tofu spread and crackers and a peanut butter cookie. SMALL LUNCHES FTW
80: What makes you happy?
80: What makes you happy?
Books, my rat Pudge, drama class, and my friends.
81: Would you change your name?
81: Would you change your name?
No, I'm good with it.
82: Ever been to Alaska?
82: Ever been to Alaska?
83: Ever been to Hawaii?
83: Ever been to Hawaii?
Yup, in 2010 we (as in me, my parents, my brother, my uncle and his girlfriend, and my grandparents) took a cruise there.
84: Do you watch the news?
84: Do you watch the news?
85: What's your zodiac sign?
85: What's your zodiac sign?
86: Do you like Subway?
86: Do you like Subway?
I's like a treat for me, so many carbs.
87: Do you talk like your friends?
87: Do you talk like your friends?
Not exactly.
88: Have you ever seen someone you knew and purposely avoided them?
88: Have you ever seen someone you knew and purposely avoided them?
Not that I recall.
89: Do you have a friend of the opposite gender who you can act your complete self around?
89: Do you have a friend of the opposite gender who you can act your complete self around?
Yeah, my best friend ViralSun.
100: Who was the last person of the opposite gender you talked to?
100: Who was the last person of the opposite gender you talked to?
My dad/my best friend ViralSun.
101: Do you feel good?
102: Who was the last person you had a deep conversation with?
My mom.....XD
103: Can you count to one million?
103: Can you count to one million?
No, and anyways, it would take ETERNITY. Metaphorically.
104: Are your finger nails painted at the moment?
104: Are your finger nails painted at the moment?
No, every time I try to paint them I mess up.
105: Favorite number?
105: Favorite number?
106: If you could pick two people your own age or younger to be stuck on a stranded island with, who would it be?
106: If you could pick two people your own age or younger to be stuck on a stranded island with, who would it be?
My friend Crazy Cody. He's smart, and very resourceful. My brother, Zombieboy. He's kind, and helpful, and has good ideas. Plus, they're both in Scouting, and I'm a girl Guide, so we'll figure something out.
107: Are you a hunter?
107: Are you a hunter?
Depends-In Minecraft I am, IRL, no XD
108: Tall or short?
108: Tall or short?
I AM short, but I'd prefer to be tall.
109: Favorite subject in school?
109: Favorite subject in school?
I've been homeschooled for all my life except preschool, so I guess that-one-time-mom-picks-out-some-books-I-have-to-read. It's rare but awesome.
110: What 5 people do you trust the most?
110: What 5 people do you trust the most?
1, ViralSun, 2, my mom, 3, my brother, 4, my friend RatFriend, and 5, Uncle Zombie (my uncle).
111: Who do you think has amazing hair?
111: Who do you think has amazing hair?
Uncle Zombie. He has red ringlets down to his waist, and a full beard and mustache. It's epic AND majestic rolled into one.
112: Parents divorced?
112: Parents divorced?
113: What city do you live in?
113: What city do you live in?
Rather not say.
114: Where were you born?
114: Where were you born?
In a hospital (LOOPHOLES FTW!) 
115: Recliner or couch?
115: Recliner or couch?
116: What two people do you miss talking to?
116: What two people do you miss talking to?
My friend from preschool, Ebony. And my friend from camp (who won't return my emails), Gymna.
117: Who will you be with this weekend?
117: Who will you be with this weekend?
My family.
118: City or country?
118: City or country?
A bit of both!
119: Water or soda?
119: Water or soda?
Pomegranate Fizzy Water. Best of both worlds!
120: Was this a waste of my time?
120: Was this a waste of my time?
Nope, I loved this!
(Can you tell it's copy-pasted?)
Thursday, 13 March 2014
A Fresh Batch Of Awesome Things
So yesterday I got a book from the library called The Book Of Awesome. It is a compilation of things the author thinks are, well, awesome. I figured I'll make my own compilation here. So here's a fresh batch of Awesome!
*The gum from a Dubble Bubble Pop. When the last of the candy melts away.........there be awesomeness.
*When you're sick and a pet notices. When I had the flu, Mystique would NOT get off of me. I would picture her saying "NO. YOU ARE SICK AND YOU NEED CUDDLES!" Every time I tried to get up. Pets are awesome.
*Peeling the protective shield-thingy off of your insulin pumps screen. Actually, peeling anything off of anything. So satisfyingly awesome.
*When your sibling leaves you alone. 'Nuff said. Awesome.
*The smell of cookies in the oven. Even better, the TASTE of cookies fresh out of the oven. Deliciously awesome.
*The smell of pizza in the car on the way home from picking it up. Alternatively, when the pizza delivery guy FINALLY arrives. Pizza is awesome.
*Being exited because the books you got from the library are REALLY COOL. We went to the library yesterday, and I got some cool fantasy books, and a book full of scary stories. I was so exited to read them I almost screamed in the car. Awesome. (Okay, maybe this one is just me.)
*The smooth feeling of a softcover library book. So awesomely smooth.
And that, was Gwen's point of view!
*The gum from a Dubble Bubble Pop. When the last of the candy melts away.........there be awesomeness.
*When you're sick and a pet notices. When I had the flu, Mystique would NOT get off of me. I would picture her saying "NO. YOU ARE SICK AND YOU NEED CUDDLES!" Every time I tried to get up. Pets are awesome.
*Peeling the protective shield-thingy off of your insulin pumps screen. Actually, peeling anything off of anything. So satisfyingly awesome.
*When your sibling leaves you alone. 'Nuff said. Awesome.
*The smell of cookies in the oven. Even better, the TASTE of cookies fresh out of the oven. Deliciously awesome.
*The smell of pizza in the car on the way home from picking it up. Alternatively, when the pizza delivery guy FINALLY arrives. Pizza is awesome.
*Being exited because the books you got from the library are REALLY COOL. We went to the library yesterday, and I got some cool fantasy books, and a book full of scary stories. I was so exited to read them I almost screamed in the car. Awesome. (Okay, maybe this one is just me.)
*The smooth feeling of a softcover library book. So awesomely smooth.
And that, was Gwen's point of view!
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