Tuesday 27 January 2015

Book lovers unite.

Hey. In celebration of the fact that I have 4 fresh hardcovers in my room that I haven't even opened yet (which makes me happy), I decided to write some of a book lovers greatest pains.
*When you borrow/buy a nice-looking, safe book, and BOOM-"to be continued".
*When you say "oh yeah, I finished the series in like 2 weeks" and people look at you funny. I have my own library card and a hunger for what happens next, lord knows I'll use those.
*I once was talking to my friend about PJO/HoO and our mutual friend came up to us and asked us what we were talking about, we replied books. She said "Oh. I hate reading". People like that.
*People who don't start 9 books at a time.
*People who remove their dust jackets.
*The inflating rate of hardcovers.
*Going to Chapters without money.
*Books are great. Writing them is frustration.
And that, was a fellow book-lover's point of view!

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